The (Official) Start of Summer!

 In my post about Memorial Day, I explained that, to me, Memorial Day was the beginning of summer. However, the first official day of summer was this week and it is making me so excited for what the rest of the summer has to come! This week I haven't done too much, primarily just working and swimming, and next week will probably be the same! July is always a super busy month for my family, and also one of the best. July 3rd is my Aunt's birthday, and my Dad's is on the 4th. Because they are so close, we always have a big party celebrating them and Independence Day. During the first week of July, the town where I live always has a festival which is highlighted by a huge parade on the morning of the 4th. On the 5th, we leave for vacation to Vero Beach and to Disney World (yes, again), and that is exactly two weeks long, so we get back on the 19th. After that, I am hoping to take the last few days of break slowly and hang out with family, do plenty of swimming and tanning, and, of course, golfing!

And then, before I know it, I'll be back in Ada! I get to move in early (on the 16th) to prepare for sorority recruitment, so that will be interesting! I am definitely looking forward to living in affinity and not having a roommate. I'm excited to see what this upcoming year will bring, especially with my position on Student Senate! I was sworn in during the last week of classes so I haven't really had a chance to start yet, and I am so excited! I also hope to get an on-campus job, ideally in the writing center. I really like to write and annotate others' papers so this is an ideal job for me! This year will also be my first year being on the other side of sorority recruitment, and I am looking forward to meeting the incoming freshman class! 

I can't believe that this class is already over! It has definitely been one of my favorites so far and all of the topics were super interesting. I wish you all the best! Have a great rest of your summer and a wonderful school year!


  1. Independence day has always been one of my favorite holidays! The weather is always so nice and who doesn't love a good firework show?! Also, so excited for Senate with you!


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