Homecoming Weekend is the Best Weekend!

     Homecoming celebrations at ONU are always an incredible time of year, but this year was incredibly unique for me. I currently serve as the Secretary of Alumni Relations on Student Senate and play a huge role in the behind-the-scenes operations of the day. One of my roles was in aiding the organization of the parade. I helped to make sure that every organization was registered and accounted for. Additionally, I reserved the trolley for the Homecoming Court to ride on. My biggest role, however, was facilitating the Homecoming Court nominations and royalty winners. After keeping the royalty winners a secret for so long, I was so happy to announce the winners at halftime. For around a week, I was the only person on campus who knew the results of the voting and it was definitely the hardest secret I have ever had to keep! The weekend could not have gone any better, and I was so happy with how it turned out!


  1. What an amazing experience, Bella! I am sure you were relieved after the weekend was over and went so smoothly. I know what you learned through helping facilitate everything will pay off in the future.

  2. When you were telling me about this I thought that this was such a unique experience. I was so excited for you! I am so happy that you had the opportunity to organize the Homecoming activities plus keeping a secret for a good bit! I definitely know you learned alot about organizing a big event like Homecoming and will be beneficial for you in the future when working on big projects.

  3. I'm very grateful for everything you did it run the homecoming proceedings! Without you this day would not have been possible. Great job! Also good job keeping the court results a secret from me!


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