About Me!

My Alpha Xi fam!

Hi everyone! My name is Isabella Crego and I am going into my sophomore year at ONU. I was a marketing major, but now I am a public relations major! On campus, I am in Alpha Xi Delta, an athlete, and I am the College of Business Representative on Student Senate (I want to meet as many DCBA students as possible so if you see me on campus in the fall please don't hesitate to stop and say hi!). This summer, I am at home with my parents and little brother (I say little but he's 6 feet tall) at my family home in Ashville, Ohio, about two hours away from campus. We are going on vacation twice this summer, both times to Florida. When I am not on vacation, I will be working at Pinnacle Golf Club in Grove City, Ohio. I previously worked at another golf course for almost four years, but it got shut down and I started at Pinnacle last week! That's pretty much the basics, but here are some other random things about me:

1. I am a proud Disney World lover (I've been over 40 times!)

2. Italian food is my favorite food of all time

3. I used to dance and took lessons for 15 years!

4. I like to collect stationery (especially stickers and colored pens!)

Baby Polar Bear!

  Another fact about me that I think is pretty cool is that I am a double legacy at   ONU (triple if you count my uncle)! My mom graduated in 1999 with a degree   in elementary education, and my dad graduated in 2000 with a degree in   mechanical engineering. In middle school and high school, I swore that when I   went to college, it would be in Florida. I was so sure of this until October of   my senior year of high school, when, on a whim, I applied to ONU. I didn't   even tell my parents that I applied, so getting the acceptance letter in the mail   was definitely a shock for them. I still wasn't sure about ONU, but they  convinced me to go on a tour. I was sure that I wasn't going to like it, but in the   car on the way home, I decided that ONU is where is wanted to spend the next   four years of my life. It's been pretty cool to compare my experience at ONU to my parents', and they are definitely jealous of everything that campus has now (especially the new engineering building). My mom and I even had one of the same professors! My freshman year at ONU was great and I can't wait to come back in the fall!


  1. That's really cool that you're a legacy! Also, it's really cool that you've worked at golf courses. I have worked at two golf courses in the past as well.

  2. Wow! That is so cool! I'm also a legacy student! My mom went to ONU as well for Early Childhood Education! My dad used to work in admissions here though! Plus both of my dad's parents attended at ONU! One of them later became one of the pharmacy professors here! Both of my mom's parents worked at ONU as well! It's been really neat to here their stories at ONU, while I'm making mine!


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